Economic Education Month

Economics is the study of making sound decisions in managing scarce resources which is an essential skill for all people. October is Economic Education month.
The aim of economic education is to equip students with skills and tools for their economic roles as productive workers, informed consumers and savers, involved citizens, and lifelong decision-makers in a globally interdependent world.
Economic education must be established and maintained in our PreK-12 schools, where even young children are capable of learning basic economic concepts that help them understand their economic world.
Economic education in our schools depends on PreK-12 educators equipped with high-quality training and resources to ensure students have equitable access to classroom lessons that develop the skills necessary to make informed choices as citizens.
Find #EconEdMonth Teacher Workshops
Your #Incentives:
- Attend 5 trainings - be entered into a drawing for a $50 e-check
- Attend 10 trainings - be entered into a drawing for a $100 e-check
- Bring a friend to a training - be entered into a drawing for a $50 e-check
In addition to the opportunities above, verified 9th-12th grade educators currently teaching in an Arkansas high school that attend at least 3 of the 4 high school trainings presented by our Economic Education partners will receive a $20 e-check. The trainings that qualify for this incentive are:
- October 2 - "The Law: Supply and Demand" presented by St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank
- October 15 - "Economics of the Election" presented by Foundation for Economic Education
- October 23 - "Econ Games" presented by Marginal Revolution University
- October 24 - "Exploring our National Economy" presented by Econiful
Arkansas LOVES Econ Education
Picturing Econ K-8 Competition

by Piper M.
East Side Elementary, Magnolia
K-8 students are challenged to picture economics by illustrating their understanding of its concepts. Students (and their teachers) with the most creative pieces are awarded prize money with student artwork featured on the Economics Arkansas website and various social media outlets.
How YOU Can Support Economic Education

Economic education is real life education.
It's about choices. We make hundreds of choices each day. Our job is not to teach students what to think, but how to think.
We provide teachers with resources to integrate economic vocabulary and experiences into their existing classroom curriculum - in math, science, reading, and social studies. Our goal is to help teachers successfully set their students up for success to develop their human capital, to make wise choices, to be financially literate, and to understand our free-market economy.
By training teachers to use economics and personal finance in their classrooms, we can build a generation of effective leaders.
Every gift, large or small, helps create the opportunity for Economics Arkansas staff to continue to train current and future teachers through professional development and resources to teach economics, personal finance, and the free-enterprise system using practical and innovative methods.
More Resources

Teachers - be sure to check out these economic resources!
- Council for Economic Education
- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
- Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
- Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
- Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
- Foundation for Teaching Economics
- Marginal Revolution University
- Kids Econ Posters
- Arkansas Farm Bureau
- Dirk Mateer
- Powell Economic Education Foundation
- The Concord Coalition
- EconStories TV
- Econ Express
- Arkansas Center for Research in Economics

- October 4 - World Smile Day
- October 8/12 - International Newspaper Carrier Day
- October 12 - National Farmers Day
- Arkansas Farm Bureau - Ag In The Classroom
- Arkansas Farm Bureau - Teacher Resources
- October 17 - National Pasta Day
- October 17 - National Get Smart About Credit Day
- Econ Lowdown Video: "Understanding How a FICO Credit Score is Determined"
- October 22 - National Color Day
- Read Out Loud Video: "The Crayon Man - The True Story of the Invention of Crayola Crayons"
- October 26 - National Pumpkin Day
- National Agriculture in the Classroom - Pumpkins...Not Just for Halloween Lesson
- October 27 - National Civics Day
- EconEdLink - Election Economics Unit Collection
- October 29 - Black Tuesday (Wall Street Crash of 1929)
- October 30 - National Candy Corn Day
- National Book Month - So Many Books, So Little Time LiveBinder
- National Cookie Month - Cookienomics LiveBinder
- National Pizza Month - Pizzanomics LiveBinder
- Decisions! Decisions! LiveBinder

- "CEO Stories" - This is Capitalism
- "Freakonomics" Radio
- "Women in Economics" - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
- "Planet Money" - NPR
- "Marketplace"
- "Think Like An Economist" - Himalaya Media Inc
These are just a few of our favorites; there are a lot of options out there!