P.O. Box 3447
Little Rock, AR 72203

Picturing Econ Art Competition

Grades K-8

We have all heard the expression "a picture paints a thousand words."

K-8 students are challenged to picture economics by illustrating their understanding of its concepts. Students (and their teachers) with the most creative pieces are awarded prize money with student artwork featured on the Economics Arkansas website and various social media outlets. 



  • Teachers may submit up to ten (10) entries
  • Teachers should submit one completed entry form per each entry
  • All entries submitted must be original entries drawn horizontally/landscape on a 8.5" x 11" white sheet of paper
  • All entries should be color, not black and white
  • The entry should illustrate an economic concept provided in the glossary; if concepts are combined, each should be illustrated
  • The economic concept illustrated should be printed clearly on the drawing, spelled correctly and written in large lettering
  • All entries will be judged on accuracy of content, spelling, artistic excellence, geographic and grade level distribution
  • Entries may not be folded and child's name should not appear on the picture
  • No brand name or trademarks may be used
  • All entries should be postmarked by Friday, December 20, 2024.



  • Twelve (12) winning students and their teachers will receive a $50 Walmart eGift card
    • Winners will be chosen from two grade divisions (K-4, 5-8) and six geographical regions (view regions)
  • Winning entries will be spotlighted on the Economics Arkansas website and social media platforms; press releases will be sent to local news outlets


2023 Winners

Thank You Donors

  • ABA logo
  • AR Capital Corporation logo
    AR Capital Corporation logo
  • ADE logo
  • ASD 2022 logo
  • ARVEST logo
    ARVEST logo
  • Bank of America logo
    Bank of America logo
  • First Security Bank
  • Murphy Foundation 200 x
  • R.E. Lee Wilson Trust
    R.E. Lee Wilson Trust
  • Stephens
  • Walton Family Foundation 200 x 86
P.O. Box 3447
Little Rock, AR 72203

© Economics Arkansas 2024

Crafted by Firespring